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Are you pleased with how your portrait turned out? Why or why not?


Yes, I'm actually very pleases with how many portrait turned out. The original image of Leonardo Dicaprio looked very similar to my copy.

Illustrator is quite different than Photoshop in terms of how you use graphics. Do you enjoy using vector graphics in Illustrator, why or why not?

Yes, I do enjoy using vector graphics in Illustrator, overall the image I'm attempting to draw looks much better in Illustrator compared to it would in Photoshop.

What is one tool that you enjoyed using for this project?

The pencil tool actually is the main tool I used to make this image, I traced over each part individually to re create his face and overall look.

Were there any struggles you encountered with this project?

Sometimes the pencil tool didn't trace around the section I meant to trace, but luckily I was able to fix most mistakes simply by using the white selection tool and adding anchors when they were needed to drag the line and shape I'm tying to create back into place.

Jackson,N Illustrator Celeb. Photo2.jpg
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