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Describe your color palette, how the colors represent you?

Grey, Orange, Yellow, Purple, and Blue. These colors represent me through my personality, every color represents a part of my personality.

Compositionally, discuss your use of space/ negative space - how well did you fill the space, too much empty space? Did you overlap imagery?


I tried my best to fill the empty space, I do think there may be a better way to arrange the images, but I'm not sure how. There are 4 various images spaced very evenly in my opinion. I made sure not to cover any of the images with text, or block text with images.

What methods did you use to make imagery and text stand out?

I used white colored text. On some of the text I was able to put an outer glow to make is stand out more so in the black/red background.

Do you have a focal point? Does one image stand out as more important? If so, how did you get it to attract attention?


Yes. The bottom-left image stands out as more important, it's size in general makes it stand out. I made is stand out more so by centering closer to the middle of the image and placing the text associated with the image to the left of it.

Overall, are you happy with the end product? Why or why not?

Yes, I am very happy with the end product. I maybe don't enjoy staring for a long period of time at myself, but I like the background design I used as well as the space of each image and text placement.

Photoshop Jackson,N SelfImages.jpg
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